Amilone Goldens are based in Trowbridge, Wiltshire. Although the Amilone name was established with my first Litter, I have shown goldens since 1988, with much success – breeding/owning champions here and abroad. I’m an international judge of the breed and breed the occasional litter.
At Amilone my goldens live in the house as part of the family. They are maintained on a high quality diet with their health and happiness of utmost importance.
I endeavour to breed typical, sound goldens, with that loving, biddable, will to please nature, that I admire in this breed.
Puppies are bred & available, occasionally, but enquiries are always welcome. Contact me via email for more details.
As well as being very active in many aspects of the breed, I am also a long serving committee member & vice chairman of The Golden Retriever Club & member of The Royal Kennel Club.
Thank you for taking an interest in Amilone Goldens.