About Me

Susan Porter


Our first Golden was a joint birthday present for Susan & Joanne in 1980 called Angus, we gave “showing” a go and enjoyed it.
Later that year he was joined by Marcus (Steval Truman 1CC) all our first dogs came from the Steval Kennel. We set up Shearstone in the early 1990’s when we moved to Shearstone Farm just outside Dartmouth Devon.
We have bred CC, RCC and JW winners for ourselves and others. At present we have five girls. We are showing three at the moment Shearstone Grace and Favour and her 2 daughters Muck Fe JW and Riff Raff JW.
Susan awards CC in Goldens and has just started taking on other Gundog breeds at Open Show Level.
Profile Photo
Susan Porter
@ shearstone